õð ϰ õ ûҳȰ^( ȣ) ְ ̹ 2009 ȣῬ ü 13° ο ̾ 븸 Ÿ ÿ Բ ûҳ ̴. ش 2030 UN ȸ ִ ǥ SDGs(Ӱɹǥ) (ZOOM) Ʃ긦 Ȱ ¶ ûҳ ߴ.
Ư õ ۵ 繫 ΰ ִ ⱸ GCF(Green Climate Fund) , SDGs(Ӱɹǥ) 5 ϳ ̾߱ Բ ûҳ ư ߴ.
GCF(Green Climate Fund) ܾμ(Division of External Affairs) Ʈʽ (Partnerships and Outreach Speciallist) 뷱 īڸ(Darren Karjama) , ûҳ SDGs(Ӱɹǥ) 17 ֿ ǥ , õ ûҳ Climate Action(ĺȭ ) Life on Land(° ) Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions(ȭǡ) ߴ.
չȭ ûҳå ûҳ پ ˾ư, ߹ ִ ð̾١ ε Ȱϰ ǹ ִ ̷ ٶ١ ߴ.
<۱ Ϻ (www.sudokwon.com) >